A list of faculty who are members of the Immunology PhD Training Program can be found here. Robert J BastidasAssistant Research Professor in Integrative Immunobiology Maria CiofaniAssociate Professor of Integrative Immunobiology Jorn CoersProfessor in Molecular Genetics and Microbiology Jose Ramon Conejo-GarciaProfessor of Immunology Carolyn CoyneGeorge Barth Geller Distinguished Professor of Immunology Diana Remy DouAssistant Professor of Integrative Immunobiology You-Wen HeProfessor of Integrative Immunobiology Saskia HemmersAssistant Professor in Integrative Immunobiology Stacy M. HornerAssociate Professor in Integrative Immunobiology Garnett H. KelsoeJames B. Duke Distinguished Professor of Immunology Michael S. KrangelGeorge Barth Geller Distinguished Professor of Immunology Masayuki KuraokaAssociate Research Professor of Integrative Immunobiology Edward A. MiaoDuke Health Distinguished Professor of Integrative Immunobiology Ashley MosemanAssistant Professor of Integrative Immunobiology Marcella Sarzotti-KelsoeResearch Professor of Integrative Immunobiology Mari L. ShinoharaProfessor of Integrative Immunobiology David M. TobinProfessor of Molecular Genetics and Microbiology Georgia Doris TomarasA. Geller Distinguished Professor for Research in Immunology Raphael H. ValdiviaChair, Department of Integrative Immunobiology Yuan ZhuangProfessor of Integrative Immunobiology