Affiliated Centers & Institutes

Center for Advanced Genomic Technologies

The Center for Advanced Genomic Technologies (CAGT) highlights, supports and promotes the strong genomic research landscape at Duke and builds on its efforts in genomic technology to understand and treat human disease.

Duke Human Vaccine Institute (DHVI)

A vaccine research against infectious diseases that impact global health, including HIV, COVID, tuberculosis, and influenza.

Duke Center for AIDS Research (CFAR)

Promotes collaboration and coordination of AIDS-related research by supporting the scientific needs of the basic and clinical research communities at Duke.

The DCI Center for Cancer Immunotherapies

Supports research for the development and application of immunotherapies for a range of human cancers.

The Duke Center for Host-Microbial Interactions (CHoMI)  

Provides an interdepartmental intellectual home for Duke investigators who are interested in host-microbe interactions.

The Duke Center for Human Systems Immunology

Seeks to accelerate human systems immunology research to understand immune resilience and advance discoveries across experimental, quantitative, and clinical sciences.

The Duke Center for Research in Autoimmunity and Multiple Sclerosis (DREAMS)

A multidisciplinary group of basic and clinical researchers dedicated to improving understanding of, and patient care for, multiple sclerosis and autoimmune disease.

The Duke Center of RNA Biology

The mission of the Center for RNA Biology is to develop and foster research activities in the broad area of RNA biology. The Center organizes a variety of activities and provides numerous resources to support trainee development, promote research progress, and encourage interdisciplinary collaboration.