Any microaggressions, harassment, or discriminatory incidents should be reported to the leadership in the Department of Integrative Immunology: Chair, Raphael Valdivia, Vice Chair for EDI, Ed Miao; or Director for Graduate Studies, Mari Shinohara.
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If you are concerned about confidentiality or if you are thinking about requesting anonymity, please look at the following resources:
Duke Resources
Confidential Discussions
Confidentiality is not necessarily intuitive. Duke provides more information about it on this page.
Anonymous reporting
Duke provides a flowchart of anonymous and non anonymous reporting options.
Reporting resources
Policy on Prohibited Discrimination, Harassment, and Related Misconduct
This Policy prohibits discrimination and harassment on the basis of age, color, disability, gender, gender expression, gender identity, genetic information, national origin, race, religion, sex (including pregnancy), sexual orientation, or veteran status (collectively, “protected status” or “protected characteristics”). This prohibition includes discrimination and harassment based on the perception of an individual’s protected status, even if that perception is incorrect. The Policy also prohibits related misconduct, such as sexual assault, relationship violence, and stalking. This Policy applies to all operations of Duke University.
If you are in an emergency and need to speak to someone outside of regular business hours: Call Duke Police at 919-684-2444 or page the Dean on call (pager: 919-970-4169; or cell: 984-287-0300).
Confidential Resources for Concerns
Office of Student Conduct
Office of Institutional Equity
Online reporting available
Office Audit, Risk and Compliance
Online reporting available
Duke Health Integrity in Action
For concerns at Duke Health 1-800-826-8109
Undergraduate Student Ombudsperson
Keegan Cary
Student Ombudsperson
Ombuds for School of Medicine Students
Jean Spaulding, M.D.
Associate Consulting Professor of Psychiatry and Behavioral Sciences
Interactive Guide for Reporting Concerns
Counseling and Psychological Services
Student Health
The Women's Center
919-684-3897 or 919-970-2108
Online reporting available
Ombuds for All Faculty & Staff
Jessica Kuchta-Miller
University Ombuds
Ombuds for School of Medicine Post-Doctoral Appointees
Jean Spaulding, M.D.
Associate Consulting Professor of Psychiatry and Behavioral Sciences
Non-Confidential Resources
Departmental Resources
Department Chair
Raphael Valdivia, PhD
Vice Chair for Equity, Diversity, & Inclusion
Ed Miao, MD PhD
Director of Graduate Studies
Mari Shinohara, PhD
If you wish to report to the Chair anonymously, you can do so using the form below.
All reports will be taken seriously and will be investigated in a manner that preserves confidentiality (if desired, and to the extent possible). If necessary, the Department will forward the incident to the Duke Office of Institutional Equity for official reporting and investigation. You can also bypass the Department of Immunology and report directly to the Duke Office of Institutional Equity.