Postdoctoral fellows play a crucial role in advancing immunology research by bringing fresh perspectives and specialized expertise to IIB labs. Their in-depth training allows them to tackle complex questions related to the immune system’s function, mechanisms of immune responses to infectious agents, inflammation, and autoimmunity.
Director of Duke Postdoctoral Services, Molly Starback, said,
“Duke is very proud of our postdocs. They are crucial to the research mission of Duke University, as well as every other research university.”
Postdocs develop novel methodologies and integrate cutting-edge technologies to drive innovation and help labs stay at the forefront of immunological discoveries. Their work often spans multiple disciplines, such as molecular biology, bioinformatics, and clinical research, facilitating a deeper understanding of immune pathways and their relevance to diseases. Professor Carolyn Coyne, IIB’s postdoctoral advisor, states,
“Postdoctoral fellows are essential to my research lab, providing advanced technical skills and intellectual contributions that accelerate scientific discovery. Their expertise and leadership help shape the lab's scientific direction and foster a collaborative, high-impact research environment.”
Additionally, postdoctoral fellows contribute significantly to the mentorship and training of junior scientists and graduate students, fostering a collaborative and dynamic research environment. Their combination of expertise, creativity, and mentorship creates a positive and forward-moving force within the field of immunology. IIB Associate Professor Stacy Horner added,
“The postdocs in my lab play an integral role in our lab’s educational mission by serving as in-lab mentors and sounding boards for the students.”
IIB is proud to celebrate the accomplishment of our postdoctoral fellows and their role in the critical mission to generate and apply knowledge to the benefit of human health.
We invite everyone to celebrate the accomplishments of our skilled postdoctoral researchers at the 18th Annual Postdoctoberfest on Friday October 11, where there will be free food and drinks, Locopops, Duke Postdoc t-shirts, live music, and a bouncy house for the kids.
The highlight will be a presentation of awards to the Outstanding Postdoc and Outstanding Postdoc Mentor at Duke, continuing a tradition that began in 2006 with the world’s first-ever Postdoctoberfest. Molly added,
“In fact, the National Postdoctoral Association (NPA) used Duke Postdoctoberfest as a model for National Postdoc Appreciation Day [now Week], which the NPA began advertising in 2009. We are proud to say that our Duke postdocs created the template for what is now a nationwide celebration.”