D. Bernard Amos Fellowship Endowment
Dr. D. Bernard Amos was the James B. Duke Professor of Immunology and Head of the Division of Immunology at Duke University from 1962 to 1992. He was an internationally renowned immunogeneticist whose work revealed the human histocompatibility system paving the way for human organ transplantation. An endowment established in his name supports the following awards and fellowships.
D. Bernard Amos Research Award
This award is provided for the best poster presentations at the D. Bernard Amos Research Lecture The D. Bernard Amos Research Award honors those graduate students and postdoctoral fellows who made exceptional progress in the previous academic year. After program faculty evaluate poster presentation, two predoctoral and two postdoctoral trainees are selected for $300 first place and $200 second place awards.
D. Bernard Amos Graduate Fellowship
The D. Bernard Amos Graduate Fellowship Award recognizes graduate students who are successful in obtaining extramural support for their graduate training. This award takes the form of an annual $3,000 supplement for each full year of the external support up to a maximum of three years. All Immunology graduate students are eligible for the program. To qualify, a student must be the recipient of a competitive fellowship that provides at least one full year of funding equivalent to or greater than an NIH F31 fellowship. Only fellowships that recognize academic achievements and/or a meritorious research proposal will be considered. Students should notify the DGSA upon receipt of a potentially qualifying external award.
D. Bernard Amos Diversity Fellowship Award
The D. Bernard Amos Graduate Diversity Fellowship Award supports graduate students in the Immunology Graduate Training Program from historically under-represented backgrounds. The award is a one-time $5,000 supplement upon enrollment in the program. Eligibility is limited to US citizens or Permanent Residents who belong to historically under-represented racial and ethnic groups (Black/African American, American Indian/Alaskan native, Hispanic/Latino, and Native Hawaiian/Pacific Islander) or are the first in their families to graduate from a four year university. Applicants selected for this award will be notified upon their admission to the PhD program. The award will be offered on an either-or basis with the Duke University Dean’s Graduate Fellowship.